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Writer's pictureCj Mayes

Weekly Roundup 11.05.23

Welcome back to another SportsVizSunday round up! Hope everyone has had a good weekend so far.

The end of Iron Viz feeder season has brought us a few more sports vizzes to indulge in. I'm really looking forward to them posting all the vizzes as part of the gallery in coming weeks.

Ben uses two very popular datasets of transfer market and statsbomb to showcase his love for watching Lionel Messi. Check out the wonderful pass map at the bottom of the viz.

I really like Bens choice of highlighting Messi's impact through goals and assists in the various games.

Rob treats us to his marathon training plan, with a frequency of 3-4 runs a week! I love the accordion menu style to this visual because it allows the user to consume specific charts at a time, adding to the storytelling aspect. How cool are those strava maps!

Johann continues the love for running. I particularly like the choice to tie running into the different love languages. I loved exploring the gift section with some amazing run routes and views!

Great to see that this is Johann's first ever Iron Viz entry! Congratulations.

David highlights 10 years of results celebrating Crystal Palace in the premier league with a creative radial chart. I love the choice of using the club colours and offsetting them against the grey in the fa cup and league tables.

Very interesting to see Crystal Palace's consistency in terms of points each season, always sitting in the 40-50 mark.

Vignesh turns our attention to the F1 with this KPI style sheet looking at race entries, podiums and points. The visual has a nice style to the shadow background to each tile.

Check out how competitive Lewis Hamilton has been over the seasons.

Sports viz regular, Brett uses spotfire to compare american football teams in terms of their defensive pressure and yards passing allowed. Click into the different teams on the scatter to highlight the bar. I like the additional functionality to zoom in on each graph.

That's it for this weeks round up, thanks all for your contributions!

CJ & the Sports Viz Sunday team.

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