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Weekly Roundup 07.14.2024

Writer's picture: Cj MayesCj Mayes

Good Morning sports fans. I'm delighted to post the round-up early this week - I seemingly have such a busy day ahead of me with the Men's Wimbledon final, the second bracket of the darts and of course the Euros final to watch, all today. That's a lot of time in front of the TV - so will have to dust off the stationary bike I feel.

I am most excited for the football of the lot. There is a real buzz. Rest assured if England win today I can only imagine a documentary being made. We've had everything from last minute substitute goals, 5 top quality penalties scored and some quite rocky first half's. Oddly enough our best football comes when we are 1-0 down, so I'm sure Spain are probably scared to try score. Anyway, check back next week when England finally add Men's European Champions to the trophy cabinet. Come on England!!!

This week we have a real mix of visuals to share so lets dive in.

I was really impressed with this visual from Rob Taylor, using color to highlight the 9 Silverstone circuits Lewis Hamilton has won.

I personally love the subtlety of the timeline vertically down the left hand side to be able to show the span of wins.

Dan Wade and F1 visuals are pretty much synonymous by this stage.

Dan also takes a look at Lewis career and the setting a new record for the most wins on a single circuit. The 2.5 year break is over.

Anastasiya is back and has updated a previous visual with the new 2024 data. Look at the driver positions just over the last few years! A more tightly fought battle, or is Verstappen clear?

Zak shares with us details in thread form on the ELO ratings. Every team considered equal on 1500 points, to then see their number vary based on a comparative view. I love that Zak poses the question back to the audience on where you may think the calculation can be improved? Take a look!

Adam Green shares the latest update for June, (yes I did remind him that he didn't post the May data during that month!.) A friendly reminder that life events can get in the way of our goals but a few bad days don't have to determine the rest of the weeks to follow. Great to see Adam back out there getting the runs in. Let's get the Strava kudos flowing!

Ryan shares with us this wonderful view of trailing or leading vs the eventual winner. I love that each year is so hugely different in some winners were dominant and led for most of the tour, others come from behind. I think I'm more of a fan of the tight battles where the lead chops and changes by small margins. (The less pronounced of the bars!)

For TDF fans, what has been your favourite to watch and why?

Two Dan Wade vizzes in one week? What do we owe the pleasure. Dan takes a break from F1 to showcase the route to the final for what will be an upcoming blog and template that we can get excited about. Hoping to see this updated with an England win tonight.

Closing out on a visual artist who creates some of the most aesthetically pleasing sports visuals I know. We welcome back Ben to the blog with a visual showing Haaland is the only player to have a goals/games number above 1 pg. The reference lines help give clarity to performance. Let's not sleep on the fact the more games you play naturally the harder it is to keep that ratio. I'd love to see a line showing each of those players trajectories to see where it rose or fell.

That's it for this week. Hope everyone has a great remainder of the weekend.

It's coming home,

CJ & the #SportsVizSunday team

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