I don't know about you but I think I've just about managed to relax after the men's FA Cup Final yesterday between Liverpool and Chelsea. I often describe myself as a bit of an armchair fan of Liverpool but whenever the big matches roll around I still get completely swept up - and yesterday was no exception! It was a big relief to see Klopp and the rest of his 'mentality monsters' win the last remaining major trophy and really cement themselves in history. Let's see what they can do in the Champions League, and whether the Premier League has any more twists and turns left in the last couple of weeks too.
It's been a fairly quiet week for the community this week (no doubt in part due to #TC22) but there are still a few good things to bring you.
The first is motor_racing_addict's really comprehensive F1 visualisation. Updated after each race, there is so much information here to look through! The navigation helps to keep things simple, and it's nice to be able to really spend a bit of time focusing on one thing at a time and really getting to understand it. The screenshot in the tweet is an example of season stats and qualifying results.
El tÃo del dato asks the question of who is going to be the next cyclist to get to 80 professional wins, after Philippe Gilbert achieved that milestone recently. Their visualisation is incredibly effective and shows that although it might be some time before another rider gets to 80 wins, there are a few who are on the right track.
Kevin Flerlage is tracking the Cincinnati Reds' quest to become the worst baseball team of all time in his very striking visualisation. I love the drama of the colour scheme used in this visualisation, and how the very minimalist win/loss marker is complemented by the more detailed scatter plot showing a wealth of information. I'll be coming back to this throughout the season to see how the Reds are getting on.
After the excitement of the draft, the NFL schedule has now been published and Sebastian has visualised the difficulty of each team's schedule based on bookmaker's expected wins. I really like this visualisation. It's very easy to see which teams are expected to do well (hello Bills and Bucs) and which teams are not expected to so well (hello Texans and Falcons). It'll be interesting to come back and see how well this compares to the fortunes of each team by the end of the season.
Lastly, Yash - who has been featured in this blog a few times - is looking for some freelance data/design/tactical analysis work. They've included a few examples of their work in the tweet, and more examples are available on their Twitter. Do check them out!
And that's all for this week! If you're looking for something a bit different, the #SportsVizSunday monthly challenge data set this month is looking at World Championship Snooker Finals from 1927 to 2022, including the latest masterclass by 'The Rocket', Ronnie O'Sullivan. I've had a quick look at it and there's lots of different angles to take, so I look forward to seeing what you all do with it!
Mo & the SVS team
p.s. good luck in the IronViz final at TC22 CJ!