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Writer's pictureCj Mayes

Weekly Roundup 06.16.2024

The Euros are upon us!!!!!

Very much excited to watch the game later tonight. England have had a rocky lead up with some of the pre euro friendlies but I am hoping to see something special with our opening game. Fingers crossed.

Truth be told, I feel somewhat spoilt with sport choice at the moment with a recent new love for watching golf, as well as continuing watching the on going darts tournaments, and lets not forget the French open! Honestly I'm surprised I am not glued in front of the telly.

On the theme of tennis, I just have to open the blog with a great motivational speech from my all time favourite sports player talking about not dwelling on points.

Tennis is one of those peculiar sports where you can lose more points than your opposition but still win a match. Anyway, enjoy Rogers words of wisdom in the below video & if you're interested in knowing more about his stats I would recommend the site Ultimate Tennis Statistics

Before looking at the site have a guess how many Roger won % wise for : Points, Games, Sets, Matches. If you're extra adventurous, guess how the % of when he was serving or returning.

Okay so seems fair that this week that we honour the Euro's visuals first right????

Damola really treats us this week with this elegant map made using a variety of different tools. The west of Europe see the higher FIFA rankings currently with recent dominance from France & Belgium. These players often come with a higher price tag too.

I love the additional metric of putting average age into the chart. It will be interesting to see how picking a younger team this year turns out for England.

Check out Damola's thread where he talks about some of his design choices and tools utilised.

Mateusz takes a look back in time with a history of winners and hosts for each year. The host team tended to win the tournament more years back when there was only 4-8 teams in the competition. Now with 24 teams the host advantage seems to be a lot more diluted.

Take a look at the full visual to appreciate Mateusz fading rounded bars & radial medal charts.

Ryan Soares showcases the domestic distribution of players. 60% of players in the euros come from the top 5 football league. The coloured cumulative bars really emphasis the top team dominance.

The main thing that is interesting here is whilst Germany, Spain, England and Italy have players with over 70% from their respective home league - Teams such as France, Portugal and Belgium have a wider mix. It is interesting what effect this may have on play style, training, communication and team dynamic.

SportsVizSunday host Mo Wootten brings us part two of his visual from last week. Now not only can you see how good England are... you can see how they fair against other squads.

I have to say I LOVE the offset bar chart / tower block style next to the scatter, very creative.

I've flicked through the different metrics on offer in Mo's visual, and now I am certain it's coming home.

Steven shares with us a viz focussed on captaincy - He shows the relationship of appearances and age. A familiar name, Ronaldo is at the front of the pack now aged 39 - an outlier compared to most players, let alone captains.

On the flip side, Mbappe young relative to the rest but already with 79 appearances.

Sidharth shares with us just how brilliant Toni Kroos is with only 1 pass that went astray during the Scotland match. Visually such a wonderful way of showcasing the data with one red pass amongst the remaining 100.

I'm sure many of you have seen Krisztina's work from when she won an information is beautiful award back in 2022 for her animated sport results piece.

Well what if I told you, that you can now make your own!!

I've even given it a go for this evenings game.... What do you make of my prediction?

I've learnt an incredible amount from this man in terms of soccer analytics and want you to have the same opportunity so do check out Mckay's course. I personally believe he is one of the best when it comes to resources and public content and appreciate his efforts not to gatekeep skills.

Woweeee that was alot of euros.

Keeping with theme of England and excellence - Chris Westlake pays tribute to the amazing career of Rob Burrow, who sadly passed away on the 2nd June. Rob achieved over 500 games in his career spent at Leeds and internationally. Hover over any of the games during the 2001-2017 period to see the results from a specifc match. He will be widely remembered as one of the best.

Rob Taylor brings us an interactive animated Grand Prix viz this week. Click the race button to watch George and Max battle it out for top spot. I like that Rob added in the sector splits to the right hand side - really useful context of how tightly they fought around the track.

Dan also takes a look at F1 this week with the canadian grand prix results.

Dan is building quite the portfolio of F1 stats. With everything from circuit maps, through to schedules, H2H's, tyre strategy and Driver standings. I would hugely recommend taking a further look if you're into F1!!

Tableau shared this collection of basketball vizzes this week, including work from:







, Peter Silvester,



, Joshua Marsh,


A personal favourite of mine is Alexander Varlamovs. Changed the way I started to think about court / pitch heatmaps and remember following some of his code tutorials in past years!

We end on a celebration this week, with Sam parsons being recognised with a Viz of the day from Tableau with his Rugby league visual.

The player recruitment tool is a great way to be able to discover high performing talent across the league. What I love most about this visual is the carry through of the red highlighting for comparison rating as well as the highlight box to know who is exceeding performance. Such a great visual aid.

It's coming home,

CJ & the #SportsVizSunday team

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