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Weekly Roundup 04.02.2023

Updated: Apr 20, 2023

Happy Monday #SportsVizSunday fans. Yep, ok 24 hours late this week, but good news, that's a day without a Premier League sacking! Over the weekend we saw Graham Potter and Brendan Rodgers lose their jobs in what has been a perilous season for managers in England's top flight. It is surreal to think we are in April and still seeing managers getting sacked, and even more so when you realise 12 managers have been dismissed so far, breaking the prior record of 10 across a whole season.

Speaking of clubs that have recently dismissed their gaffer, let's start with a Tottenham viz. This "winning barcode" viz shows Spurs' league wins over their last 100 matches. Simple, effective... no I am not talking about Richarlison, great work, Ben Griffis.

From a club without a manager, to a club in love with their current boss. Jeremy Brooks analyses Arsenal's offensive stats.

Staying with football, but jumping into a tutorial, our #SportsVizSunday co-host, CJ Mayes shared out how to achieve shot map small multiples using Tableau and Alteryx. As always, CJ not only manages to explain the techniques used, but does it in such an elegant way on his new website. New website you say? Yes, I know for those of you who regularly read our weekly round-ups that will come as news to you, CJ really hasn't advertised it much at all (sorry CJ couldn't resist).

#SportsVizSunday regular, Adam Green, continued his recent streak of re-capping inspiration and techniques used to create vizzes from his impressive back-catalogue of sports vizzes. This week he dived into his 2021 US Women's Open Final viz which remains one of my favourite AG vizzes to date.

Before I introduce our next viz to be showcased, I must check you are sitting down.


A Zach Bowders sports viz! Yep that's right folks, and its a lovely effort from him too! Check out this NCAA Bracket analysing progression through the men's 2023 tournament.

Staying with US sports, Michelle Fouse took part in Day 1 of the #30DayChartChallenge to analyse March Madness upsets from 2008-2022!

From new content to something very very special, this incredible achievement from #SportsVizSunday founder, James Smith. For those of you familiar with James' work you no doubt recall his sensational F1 data artwork. This week his work got featured as part of the F1 Exhibition in Madrid!!! James, you really deserve this honour, and I think I speak with everyone involved in #SportsVizSunday in saying we couldn't be happier for you.

So that is it for the content this week, but before I sign off I wanted to acknowledge a milestone achieved by team #SportsVizSunday this week. With this week's write up we hit the amazing milestone of it being our 150th blog post. That's 150 posts showcasing the best of sports visualisations created across the community. A massive thank you to everyone who has participated in our monthly challenges, contributed content or simply supported us with a like or a retweet. CJ, Mo, Simon and I love what we do, but none of it would be possible without your participation and support. You rock and we cannot wait for the chance to showcase you all with another 150 blog posts.

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