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Weekly Round-up 11.21.2021

In the week after Tableau Conference you would be forgiven if you were thinking the #SportsVizSunday community would be taking a breather. Not a chance! The last week has seen some fantastic sports visualisations and more entries into our November #SportsVizSunday challenge - to visualise our 2021 #SportsVizSunday blog posts.

Simon Evans went with such a fun angle for his monthly challenge entry; in his own it is a viz? is it a quiz? No, it is a bit of both. Well regardless of what the viz was I can tell you this much for sure, I loved exploring the storytelling element of the viz, made even stronger by how interactive the quiz style made it. Now the big question... did anyone get 5 out of 5?

Staying with the monthly challenge Varun Jain went into more depth about the contributions of each of the #SportsVizSunday team. Whilst I may have stayed away from the stacked bubbles, I really appreciated the way Varun emphasized #SportsVizSunday is not all about our monthly challenges, in fact the majority of vizzes we showcase each week are non challenge related.

To end this week's monthly challenge entries, I snuck this in last weekend, "#SportsVizSunday Profiles" which leveraged an amazing tutorial and template by Tristan Guillevin to create Voronoi charts in Tableau, thanks Tristan for making such a unique chart accessible to the community to use.

Moving away from our November challenge vizzes, but keeping with the theme of community challenges, I am delighted to be able to showcase a couple of challenges which continue to be a source of great inspiration and encouragement for people.

First up #30DayMapChallenge which sets a different mapping theme every day throughout the month of November. #SportsVizSunday regular, Dennis Kao also used the #30DayMapChallenge to visualise Bayern Munich's winning goal in the 2020 Champions League final against PSG.

I loved the clarity of the design in this viz by Ryan Hart, analysing his Charlotte Marathon splits.

Whilst not related to a community challenge, we stick with the topic of marathons as Scott Buckley celebrated the 2021 Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon.

For those of you engaged in the data viz community you will no doubt already admire the expertise of Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic who inspires us every month with a new #SWDChallenge. The November challenge is to create a bullet chart and Simon Rowe did just that, with this analysis of this season's Premier League goals v expected goals.

7 vizzes down, yet we still have 5 to go before we cover all 12 of our showcased vizzes this week, or to put it another way, enough vizzes to make up a Lacrosse Women's Team!

Sticking with the Premier League, our ex #SportsVizSunday Team member, Chris Westlake created this analysis of results so far this season.

Any of you familiar with the work of Peter McKeever will know how incredibly talented he is when it comes to data viz. This week Peter treated us to a pitch heatmap of control zones for teams across the Premier League. Top class work as ever, Peter.

Did you know the Basketball was the most showcased, non-challenge related, sport in our blogs so far this year? No, neither did I until I explored Simon Evans quiz, so I here is another one to add to the list. Ryan Soares created a very neat and scatter plot to allow Fantasy Basketball fans to compare current player rankings with average draft positions.

One. Hundred. And. Eighty. OK any excuse to throw in a darts reference to one of our weekly round-ups, but this week we have a genuine reason to approach the oche. I absolutely love this viz by darts analytics royalty, Christopher Kempf. It is so clean and the bi-variate colour scale is so easy to engage with.

For those of you keeping a close eye on the authors showcased this week, you may well have noted all of those featured so far in the post have been male. At #SportsVizSunday we are determined to encourage diversity within our community and as such I am delighted to be able to close out our round-up this week with a viz by Saloni Goel who analysed Women at the Olympics as part of the data viz class taught by the one, the only Jeff Shaffer. Great job with the storytelling and clean design, Saloni and hopefully it won't be the last viz from you that we get to enjoy.

That's all for this week, another 12 vizzes showcased brings us to 462 for the year and gets us another step closer to our goal of reaching 500 vizzes showcased across the calendar year. Thanks to everyone for their amazing work and don't forget you can help us showcase work by tagging vizzes on Twitter with #SportsVizSunday or by participating in our monthly challenge - it is not too late to enter a viz about our 2021 blog posts.

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