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Weekly Round-Up 09.19.2021

Welcome #SportsVizSunday fans to another weekly round-up crammed full of sporting data viz goodness. In fact when compiling the post this week, the phrase that instantly came to mind was...

No fewer than 12 individuals are recognised and I am delighted to be able to kick off with creations by 3 amazing female vizzers.

First up we have Steph Blair, who vizzed the 25 Paralympic records that were set at the Tokyo 2020 games in track cycling. Steph and her team do amazing things to elevate the athletes they support as part of Team GB, so it seems only right that at team #SportsVizSunday we can do out bit to help promote awareness of her skills. Genuinely Steph, thank you for everything you and the team have contributed to an amazing summer of sporting excellence in Tokyo; and thank you for being such a passionate fan of #SportsVizSunday.

Next up we have Tina Covelli with what I believe is her first #SportsVizSunday creation. I love the design of her viz which analyses the Google Trends of US sports throughout the calendar year. The filter shapes in particular really make the viz pop.

And finally on the celebration of sporting vizzes by female authors we have Jessica Moon. Jessica has long been active in the Tableau Community, as can be seen by her extensive Tableau Public profile and it made my day when she recently entered the #SportsVizSunday arena. Her latest viz, a challenge by the hubbie no less, saw her visualise Nick Saban's Alabama Losses. I genuinely was drawn in my the sketched nature of the design, it has the vibe of one of those drawn personal journeys that have been so popular in recent years... I genuinely loved the annotations and authenticity of the viz.

Moving on to our next set of vizzes, both of which have been created as part of our #IronQuest collaboration challenge - to visualise sporting heroes and legends. For me it is always a highlight of our #SportsVizSunday year when we partner with #IronQuest founder, Sarah Bartlett. Sarah has done an amazing job at creating a community initiative that inspires so many people to viz and participate in the community. Her regular challenges have helped increase diversity in the community and have given so many a platform from which to get their talents recognised. Seeing new or emerging authors is one of the things I am most looking forward to with regards to this month's joint challenge... so lets see those vizzes keep coming and we will do all we can to help showcase your amazing talents!

The first three vizzes created for this month's challenge come from Jared Flores, Saverio Rocchetti and Ali Tehrani. Jared analysed achievements of Wayne Gretzky, and his viz, which was inspired by two #SportsVizSunday regulars, CJ Mayes and Simon Rowe, is incredibly clean and engaging. The use of shapes, the tournament trees, so much to like and admire, great job Jared.

Saverio celebrated the career, to date, of one of the definitive footballing GOATS, Lional Messi. Every goal, by the minute scored and the type of goal, there is so much to explore; although even after this viz I suspect the Ronaldo or Messi debate will rage on! That said, thanks so much for participating Saverio, hopefully the first of many more sporting vizzes to come from you.

Last up for the monthly challenge, Ali looked at the accolades achieved by the one and only LeBron James. Another viz inspired by CJ's shapes and map layers blog, this creation has all those trademark characteristics of a winning viz, white space, considered use of text and colour... really fantastic effort, Ali.

Moving on from the monthly challenge, this viz by Joe Shaw really caught the eye this week. Celebrating Joe Root's 100th test for England, he created a viz that, personally, I couldn't put down (if only the same could be said for England's slip catching!). There are so many stories in the data, and yet the viz remains easy to interact with and explore, in particular the labelling for me was nothing short of data viz perfection.

Next up Norbert Borbas took a look at which sports the most successful countries excel in during the Olympic Games. I really enjoyed the interactive nature of the viz and the clean design, even the sankey didn't feel overwhelming, everything has a purpose and there are some great insights in the viz to enjoy.

Those of you familiar with our weekly round-ups will no doubt be aware of the talents of Samuel Epley and this week we were delighted that he had the opportunity to talk about his passion for sports analytics and Tableau. Check out the thread below to enjoy three of Samuel's viz and I defy you not to find his enthusiasm and passion infectious, keep up the great work Samuel.

To celebrate the return of NFL Sundays, Data Viz Mich analysed the AFC drive outcomes from last season. I am a bit ashamed to say I haven't seen any other of Mich's creations, but having done so I can thoroughly recommend checking out his Instagram page, it's full of sporting data viz treats.

10 down, 2 to go and keeping with NFL, Ben Baldwin analysing Quarter Back plays from week 1 of the NFL season.

And to end this week's round-up I encourage you to take a trip over to Linked In and enjoy Ricardo Tranquilli Navarro's viz where he made a comparison between Lebron James and Michael Jordan.

So that's it for this week, thanks to everyone for inspiring us with some amazing content and hopefully the next 7 days will see another batch of entries for this month's #IronQuest #SportsVizSunday joint challenge.

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