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Weekly Round-Up 08.01.2021

Pinch, punch, first of the month #SportsVizSunday crew, but don't worry there is nothing but sporting data viz goodness in this week's round-up of vizzes created by the #SportsVizSunday community.

With day 9 drawing to a close at Tokyo 2020 we obviously have to start with the vizzes created as part of our Olympics July 2021 data viz challenge. Anyone familiar with Tableau and sports will already, no doubt, be a fan of the work of Will Sutton and this week will treated us to a Tableau re-creation of Nadieh Bremer's amazing 'Olympic Feathers' design. Nadieh's viz is such an inspirational design, creative, clean and incredibly engaging, and seeing Will flex his technical muscles to re-create in Tableau was equally inspiring, great job, Will.

Also this week, team #SportsVizSunday led a Tableau webinar 'Creating a Viz At Record Speed' where by I built a viz celebrating Team USA's history of Tokyo 2020 events, in 20 minutes, with Spencer and Kate providing expert commentary of the build. Thank you to everyone who joined us for the session, for those who missed it you can check out both the viz below and the recording here.

A sporting data viz doesn't always have to visualise a sporting event or athlete, sometimes you can be wowed by something completely "left field" and that was the case when I saw this viz by Satoshi Ganeko who drew the Tokyo 2020 Olympics emblem in Tableau. The Japanese Tableau community is one of the most talented around and Satoshi is an absolute genius and this is just another example of why he and many of his fellow Japanese vizzers should be an instant follow, great work, Satoshi.

Moving away from the Olympics we have 5 other sports vizzes to showcase this week, first up is Vignesh Suresh who visualised the F1 career of Michael Schumacher. Congrats Vignesh of a really engaging design and some great interactivity.

Time for some #SportsVizSunday alliteration by moving from F1 to Football and Scott Abel's visualisation of the Euros.

One of my favourite aspects to #SportsVizSunday is when the community viz a sport or event that would otherwise have flown under our radars; with this in mind I would like to say a massive thank you to Tom Hewett who visualised Boys 7-9 Drive, Chip and Putt local qualifier results. I am a golf fan (and an inconsistent golfer at best) and I really enjoyed Tom's analysis of the boy's performances, really clean and yet full of insights.

Finishing up this week we have two #SportsVizSunday legends, Jeff Plattner and Samuel Epley. Jeff treated us to his 'NBA Draft Pipelines' whilst Samuel created a College Football Conference Re-Alignment Simulator; as always great work from them both.

So that's all folks, don't forget that even though we are now in August, you can still enjoy the Olympics through our July 2021 challenge data set, and for those of you wanting a fresh data viz challenge to grapple with, keep an eye out for our August 2021 challenge which is one not to be missed!

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