What a week it has been! Whether it has been the start of top flight football across Europe or the build up to the Paralympics, there has been sport here there and everywhere; and it's clearly inspired you across the #SportsVizSunday community as this week we were wowed with some fantastic content.
Let's start with the Olympics which has already inspired some incredible visualisations and continues to do so, even 2 weeks after the closing ceremony. First up we have an outstanding graphical representation of Women's individual gold medals at Tokyo 2020 by Tableau Zen Master Ivett Kovacs and Nightingale Creative Director, Julie Brunet, who continues to set the bar high when it comes to data design. The imagery is amazing and the subtlety of design should be held up as a level we should all be aspiring to meet. Amazing job.
Keeping with the Olympic theme the Men's Javelin Final was a memorable competition, in particular for Neeraj Chopra who won India's first ever track and field medal. Kizley Benedict created this fantastic analysis of the competition using some great techniques and some lovely call outs which went into more depth for the medal winners.
The Olympics was the focus of our July #SportsVizSunday data-viz challenge, but our current challenge remains open, guest hosted by Ryan Soares and showcasing UFC. Dennis Kao created his viz a couple of weeks ago but iterated on it to leverage parameters to allow you to compare two fighters within the network diagram. Iteration is such an important part of data-viz development, whether it be personal or professional projects, thanks for reminding us of this, Dennis.
Staying with the UFC monthly challenge, Simon Evans dug into the data and focused on the career of Jon Jones. Check out the call-outs in the career timeline and a great example of adding detail and storytelling through the use of tooltips.
Now for the #SportsVizSunday highlight of the week for me. Anyone who knows the work of Adedamola Ladipo will instantly expect clean, engaging design but his analysis of West Ham United's recent performances since 2000 really shone for me. The colours, the use of which space, the alignment of text, use of symbols to portray insights, it is just fantastic... OK not quite enough to turn me into a Hammers fan, but never-the-less I can appreciate every element of this data viz.
Man City fan and #SportsVizSunday regular Aashique visualised Man City's dominance in the Premier League over the past decade. Man City set the bar, which clearly inspired his use of chart types in this and just goes to show how successful a bar chart can be to analyse data and tell a story.
It wouldn't be a #SportsVizSunday weekly round-up without some F1 being included. Vignesh Suresh was inspired by the designs of Naresh Suglani to create this viz of the career of Alain Prost.
And lastly for motorsport the account of Motor Racing Addict shared this analysis of Season 7 of Formula E after the Berlin E Grand Prix.
Last up this week we have Brett Stupakevich using Machine Learning to recommend players for the forthcoming NFL Fantasy Football draft. Thanks for your continued contributions to #SportsVizSunday, Brett.
So, that's all the vizzes for this week but before I sign off, I wanted to share this post we released earlier today. There are big changes coming for Team #SportsVizSunday. Whilst we are sad to be saying goodbye to Chris Westlake we are incredibly excited by the opportunity to welcome 2 new members to our roster and we are giving you all the chance to put your name forward. Check out more in our blog post and complete the nomination form if you are interested in joining us!